A world we know well, to which we provide: SPEED, KNOWLEDGE OF PROCESSES AND CONSISTENCY.


Thanks to efficient processes and efficient in-house organisation at Molino Cosma, we are able to make any kind of delivery quickly throughout Italy.

Knowledge of processes

It is highly important to us to have qualified technicians working at our company so that we can adapt flours to any production need and provide a consulting service for making various industrial products. In our breadmaking lab, we directly test flours so that we can offer our customers further guarantees.


With its milling plant set-up and blending processes for finished products, Molino Cosma guarantees the utmost consistency in quality for its end products. This makes it easier for the secondary processing industry to use our flours and achieve excellent results.

Food safety and reliability

Acting as a bridge between agriculture and food production: this is the role of our mill today, with the aim to ensure the highest level of microbiological and particle purity in all types of flour.

Want to know more?

Molino Cosma